Sometimes silence is a really good answer.

ဘေလာ့ဂ္ မွာ Scrolling Text - Marquee စာတမ္းေလးေတြ ထိုးျပနည္း

So,how to add the scrolling text in your blog,let me explain it:

Adding simple scrolling text:
Here is the code to add a simple scrolling text from right to left side

The output will be like:
Example 1:
ဥပမာ ပံုစံ ျပထားတာေတြကုိ ၾကည့္ခ်င္ရင္ ေလာေလာဆယ္ မထည့္ေပးႏုိင္ေသးလုိ႕ မူရင္းလင့္ခ္ အတုိင္း သြားၾကည့္ႏုိင္ပါတယ္ ခင္ဗ်ာ။ ေနာက္ အားရင္ ထည့္ျပေပးပါ့မယ္။

code to simple scrolling text

If you want some more attraction,then try these,

Add a background color to the text,

Example 2:

code to simple scrolling text

You can choose your background colour by replacing the hexadecimal code(#99ccff).
Click here to see the codes of the different colors.

Here are some mode attributes to learn:





The above attributes tells the text which direction to scroll.
Use the code below:

Here is are some examples:
To scroll in the 'right' direction:
Example 3:

code to simple scrolling text

Example 4:
To scroll in the 'up' direction:

code to simple scrolling text

Example 5:
Downwards:(I changed the hexa decimal codes for different colours)

code to simple scrolling text

few more attributes:
You can add this attribute to alternate the text

Here is the code to do this:

Example 6:

code to simple scrolling text

You can also set the speed of the text with this simple attribute:

The lower the scrollamount value, the less the speed it moves,
the html code for this:

example 7:(for scrollamout =2)

code to simple scrolling text

Example 8:(for scrollamount=5)

code to simple scrolling text

Pausing the text when mouse is over the text:It is very useful when the reader wants to read the text,and the scrollamount is big,sothat he will put the mouse over the text to pause the text and read the matter:
Here is the code to do this

Example 9:

code to simple scrolling text

(place the mouse over the text to test it)
Changing the text colour:
Here is the code to change the text colour:(Add it before the marquee tag)

So, the code looks like this

Example 10:

code to simple scrolling text

Here is the important one and most useful one, adding hyperlinks in the scrolling text.
Hyperlink means a link when clicked go to another location(site).
Let's see how to add hyperlinks to the scrolling text:

Adding hyperlinks(open in the same window):
Here is the sample code:

NOTE:Replace the Link#1,Link#2,Link#3 with the text and url#1,url#2 and url#3 with the target url addresses.
Here is an example:

The output will look like this


If you want to open the links in new window,here is the code:

That's it!Now you can add this to your blogger sidebar,in the blog post,where ever you want.

If you want to put this in sidebar,then sign in to your blogger account>click the add a page element> and paste the code in html/javascript and save the changes .This is shown in the below pictures.


If you have any doubts, ask your questions via your comments.

မူရင္းအတုိင္း တင္ျပပါသည္။


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